Committee Members & Section Stewards

Chairman  -Chris Barnard 07957132144

Secretary – Lucy Price 01531 890582 (after 6pm)

Treasurer - Laura Harper

Membership secretary – Jess Burke

Club Email address – E:

Section Stewards - Please appreciate that all stewards are working so if unable to contact please send a text or email the general email address.

Model Tent - Mike Hale - 07495771614

Vintage Caravans - Lucy Price - 01531 890582

Vintage and Classic Cars - Neil and Ann Marie Burke - 07445257558

Working Area - Ant Buckel - 07842315278

Tractors - Will Barnes - 07502432735

Military - Zoe and Jon Day - 07739466388

Commercial and Landrovers - Chris Barnard - 07957132144

Stationary Engines/Bygones - Mike Hale - 07495771614

Motorcycles - Charlie Jenner - 07714068367 - evenings please only

Steam Engines (full size) - Ryan Price - 07545382359 (leave a message or 07790124155 Lucy)

Miniature Steam engines - Steve Lake - 07596878916

Trade stands – Rosie Price 07932638538 (after 6pm) or send a text or email - Trade stands accepted on stewards discretion.

If you are interested in coming along with a Steam Engine Large or small please contact our section stewards or email